Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shannon & The Drano Test

So, one of my oldest and dearest friends, Shannon (Wilson) Graham - who also happens to be due on the EXACT same day as me - told me about an old wives tale about trying to determine the gender of the baby.  The Drano Test.

First, let's get back to the fact that Shannon and I are due on the same day.  To give you the back story, our moms were pregnant with us at the same time.  I was born July 18, she was born September 25.  Our parents have been great friends for many years as they were all State Farmer's.  Shannon and I were together when we were first born, met a few times over the years, but finally spent our first "real" amount of time together in 8th grade.  We both lived in Bloomington together and hit it off immediately.  We heard our parents went on a camping trip around the time we were both conceived, so we always joke that we were separated at birth, or perhaps, have one of the same parent. LOL.  We have always had crazy things happen to us that is similar...whether it be wearing the same dress to prom (she lived in FL, I lived in OH...we didn't know until we sent pictures), having the exact same color blue eyes, finishing each others sentences, both working for State Farm and often showing up in very similar outfits, etc.  We officially refer to each other as STF...Siamese Twins Forever.  Her first born (Sailor) was due on my birthday, although she was late.  Now, we are due on the EXACT same day.  What are the chances with 365 days in the year???  She has already found out she is having a girl.  Now the joke is, if I have a boy, what are the chances they get married?  Crazier things have happened!!  Here is a picture of us from early high school - LOL.  (For Shannon - Ch Pow Pow!)

Okay, so now for The Drano Test.  Shannon said that you pee in a cup, then you pour Drano Crystals about 1/4 full in the cup.  After the foam and smoke disappears, you end up with Brownish Water (a Girl) or Greenish-Blue Water (a Boy).  I couldn't wait for Rudi to get home to try this out.  He, of course, was skeptical, but super excited with the results.  Here is the picture, so you can see for yourself. We will find out if this works on Monday May 23rd, when we finally find out what we are having!!

1 comment:

  1. Well now that the drano results are permanently etched in internet history, we will see if the theory is right! It was brown for me with Sailor & this baby, and they are both girls. I secretly hope it's wrong for you though.. I don't want baby girl Graham growing up with a handsome little boy Seidensticker. :) Haa... J/k! Love ya!
